Erkan Group, one of the most trusted names in the sector;Medical solutions, Tourism and hotel services, Shopping Center and construction services, VIP services, helicopter rental, fleet services and car rental services, while bringing together experience in these sectors, medicaturkey Brand entered the field of Health Tourism in 2017.

- Erkan Medikal
- Fortyfour Hotel
- Bildirici Medical Devices
- Galip Tour
- Erkan Construction
- Erkan Surgical Hand Tools
In addition to his professional experience and success in public relations, he also shows outstanding success in distinguishing elements such as his technical infrastructure, qualified personnel, and after-service relationships, which he uses advanced technology. Medical solutions, Tourism and hotel services, Shopping Center and construction services, VIP services, helicopter rental, fleet services and car rental are our customers ' expectations, needs and suggestions to fulfill perfectly the way we have come together, we will see the success of the future is the messenger of the days. Ankaferd Blood Stopper Turkey is the first licensed Turkish invention approved by the Ministry of health, as well as an innovation that facilitates life with a wide range of uses, is an indicator of our awareness of the value and social responsibility for human health.
With more than 13 years of experience and knowledge on health services and other issues, it helps our customers from abroad without waiting time and saving in Turkey.
We guarantee that you will find more than your expectations with our carefully chosen A+ hospital, doctor and hotel.
MedicaTurkey follows the whole process closely from the beginning of its customers ' steps in Turkey and follows every detail until they return to their homes and shows the highest care for the healthy and happy return of the customers to their homes.